Facilitative Advocacy | Parents
In the Interest of the Student
Redefining Advocacy for Students with Disabilities in the 21st Century
The Special Education Services journey can be challenging. The regulations, the lingo, and the IEP meetings can be overwhelming.
We work with you, not for you, to navigate an increasingly complex special education system. We help you become a more active participant in IEP team meetings, so you can better advocate for your child. Our approach strengthens the relationship between parents and educators to ensure future collaborations remain focused where they should be, on the child-centered decision-making process.
We have decades of experience with the special education system at the federal, state, and local level. We want to share our knowledge and experience to support you and the educators who serve your child, from the time your child may be eligible for services through when an adult student exits the school system. We believe solutions are best achieved collaboratively at the classroom, campus, and district levels.
If you believe this advocacy approach could assist you and the educators who serve and support your child, please complete our contact form (name, email, phone number, and a brief statement expressing your need for assistance).
Once we receive the contact form, we will email you within one calendar day to schedule a phone consultation. There is no cost the first time we speak with you.
During the initial telephone conversation, we listen to understand your current situation so we can determine how we may best assist you. Any fees depend on the course of action to address individual situations and needs.
Want to learn more about Facilitative Advocacy? Listen to a short audio recording