Design thinking
Applying Design Thinking to School Improvement
Ed21 Consulting Services applies Design Thinking when addressing the aspects of the client's request for a review of their special education program. It is a common sense approach to address complex issues and identify existing program status. The process will be action oriented and self informing as to steps for continuous improvement for the program.
What is Design Thinking?
Design Thinking is a design methodology. Some authors characterize Design Thinking as more creative and user-centered than traditional design approaches. Design Thinking can be regarded as a problem solving method or, by some definitions, a process for the resolution of problems. As a solution-based approach to solving problems, Design Thinking is particularly useful for addressing problems that they are ill-defined or tricky. For ill-defined problems, both the problem and the solution are unknown at the outset of the problem-solving process (as opposed to "tame" or "well-defined" problems, where the problem is evident and the solution is possible with some technical knowledge.) Even when the general direction of the problem may be clear, considerable time and effort is spent on clarifying the requirements. Thus, in Design Thinking, a large part of the problem solving activity is comprised of defining and shaping the problem. The resulting problem resolution is regarded as creative, fluid, and open, and also as the search for an improved future result. Excerpted from Introduction to Design Thinking by Gerd Waloszek–September 1, 2012
Our Approach
Ed21 Consulting Services uses quantitative and qualitative data to understand the unique issues facing its clients. Data are gathered through a variety of methods including, but not limited to surveys and interviews.
Ed21 Consulting Services identifies emerging themes from the collected data. These emerging themes are aligned to keystones. These defined keystones are necessary for students, teachers and administrators to achieve results.
Ed21 Consulting Services develops potential solutions based on what it has learned from the data shared by the client. Solutions are practical and designed to achieve results.
Ed21 Consulting Services monitors the implementation of actions in order to determine what's working, not working, what could be improved or changed.
Ed21 Consulting Services is focused on evaluating the effectiveness of the designed actions.